The UKRCC website is intended to provide general breed
information and basic care guidance only.
If you have a concern regarding the health or welfare
of your cat, please always consult a vet. |
Information Sheets The following are a collection of publications we have produced
for Ragdoll Cat owners and potential owners. Please feel free
to print a copy of any that you feel may be useful.
Is a Ragdoll Cat the right cat for you?
a Ragdoll Kitten
Pet Insurance Preparing
for the Arrival of your Ragdoll Kitten
Ragdoll Cat Adoption - Advice For New Owners
Introducing your Ragdoll Cat to Resident
Ragdoll Cat Care
Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Lost Cat?
Inappropriate Toileting in Cats
Recommended Reading
The following excellent books offer advice, support and information
to cat owners. Very well worth a read and well worth owning a
copy, if you have or are considering bringing cats into your lives.
Cat Confidential: The Book Your Cat Would Want You to Read, by
Vicky Halls
Cat Detective, by Vicky Halls
Cat Counsellor: How Your Cat Really Relates to You, by Vicky Halls
Do Cats Need Shrinks? by Peter Neville
Recommended Links
Fab Cats - Feline Advisory Bureau, a charity that promotes the health and welfare of cats. They have a site full of useful information for owners and breeders.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis - Dr Diane Addie has been researching the feline coronavirus (FeCoV) and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) for 17 years. For all the information you need about FeCoV and FIP, to read about her research or to donate to help her continue her vital work, please visit her excellent site.
Plants Poisonous to Cats
Common Household Poisons and Cats